Table 1. Data on log concentration and the number of assortments in studies of mechanized CTL, which have reported total and forwarded log concentration as well as the number assortments at harvesting site and in loads.
Source Type of site Total log
concentration [range]
(m3 ha–1) 1)
Number of assortments
at the site 1)
Forwarded log
concentration [range]
(m3 (100 m)–1) 1)
load size
[range] (m3)
Number of
in a load
Assortments in a load
S = saw log
P = pulp log
Number of observed loads
Kellogg and Bettinger (1994) Thinning 176 [-] 2) 2 9.5 [-] 3) 8.38 [2.2–15.1] 1 P or S 81
18.3 [-] 3) 9.34 [5.0–12.3] 2 P and S 1) 39
Nurminen et al. (2006) Thinning 32 [15–44] Unknown 4) 5.2 [1.9–8.4] 11.0 [8.4–13.9] Data includes various load types:  
1 P 4
2 P and S 5) 4
Final felling 237 [149–391] Up to 17 15.4 [5.6–34.1] 14.0 [9.7–19.2] Data includes various load types:  
1 S 10
2 or 3 S 1) 8
1) Assortment proportions are unknown.
2) Volume before thinning (520 m3 ha–1) reduced by volume after thinning (344 m3 ha–1).
3) Estimation: the average load-size divided by the average driving while loading distance (i.e. 88 m or 51 m).
4) Three different pine assortments and unknown number of other assortments.
5) Pulp logs as main assortment and saw logs as minor assortment.