Table 7. Observations (mean and SD) for unloading components by the number of assortments in a load.
Number of
assortments in a load
Number of unloading
stops per load
Time consumption for
an unloading stop (PMmin)
Number of unloading
crane cycles per load
Number of crane cycles per unloading stop Time consumption for
an unloading crane cycle (PMmin)
Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n
1 1a 0 9 2.73a 0.20 9 9.1a 0.8 9 9.1a 0.8 9 0.27a 0.07 82
2 2.7b 0.6 3 1.38ab 0.75 8 9.7a 0.6 3 4.6b 2.3 8 0.34a 0.16 29
3 4.8c 0.8 9 1.47b 1.43 43 13.1b 0.9 9 2.7c 1.6 43 0.51b 0.34 118
5 9.0d 1.7 3 1.26b 1.09 27 18.7c 2.5 3 2.1c 1.6 27 0.60b 0.37 56
Within columns, different superscripted letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) (one-way ANOVA with Tukey test).