Table 5. Annual technical harvesting potential of delimbed stemwood and whole (undelimbed) trees from BDTF across regions of Sweden, applying selection constraints A-C and A-D.
  Constraints A–C (2.97 M ha) Constraints A–D (2.11 M ha)
70% of the area 100% of the area 70% of the area 100% of the area
Stemwood Whole trees Stemwood Whole trees Stemwood Whole trees Stemwood Whole trees
Region M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1 M OD t yr–1 M m3 yr–1
1 N. Norrland 1.07 2.67 1.53 3.63 1.53 3.81 2.19 5.19 0.78 1.93 1.11 2.62 1.11 2.76 1.58 3.75
2 S. Norrland 1.33 3.31 1.90 4.50 1.90 4.73 2.72 6.43 0.90 2.23 1.28 3.03 1.28 3.19 1.83 4.33
3 Svealand 1.03 2.56 1.47 3.49 1.47 3.66 2.10 4.98 0.74 1.85 1.06 2.51 1.06 2.64 1.52 3.59
4 Götaland 0.82 2.05 1.18 2.79 1.18 2.93 1.68 3.98 0.59 1.46 0.84 1.98 0.84 2.09 1.20 2.83
Total 4.26 10.60 6.09 14.41 6.09 15.14 8.69 20.58 3.00 7.47 4.29 10.15 4.29 10.67 6.13 14.50