Table 4. Average values of soil and light characteristics from different sites and locations on the dunes.
Site Location PAR CC VWCav VWCspr VWCsum VWCaut pHH2O EC O A Ntotal P K Ca Mg
Site 1 Bottom 553.4ab 0.4a 10.2b 4.5b 10.2b 15.9a 4.3a 150.5a 6.8a 3.4a 0.30a 20.4b 84.9b 342.6a 100.8a
Site 1 Slope 439.8a 0.7b 9.0ab 4.9b 8.6ab 13.6a 4.3a 152.0a 10.4a 0.2a 0.26a 14.7ab 68.3ab 343.4a 88.5a
Site 1 Top 808.4b 0.8ab 5.4a 1.5a 4.5a 10.3a 4.4a 126.7a 8.0a 0.0a 0.13a 5.9a 29.7a 204.9a 40.9a
Site 2 Bottom 272.1a 0.3ab 9.0b 5.1b 8.2c 13.7b 3.9a 207.0b 9.0a 2.0a 0.21b 19.8ab 62.3a 238.4b 60.7b
Site 2 Slope 503.9a 0.4b 5.8a 2.3a 5.1b 10.1a 4.2b 149.2a 4.0a 1.5a 0.11a 11.1a 30.1a 111.1a 14.7a
Site 2 Top 381.5a 0.2a 4.7a 3.7ab 2.9a 7.6a 4.4b 136.2a 8.0a 0.3a 0.12ab 29.3b 29.6a 160.7ab 26.6ab
Site 3 Bottom 482.5a 0.6a 26.6b 26.6b 23.2b 30.0b 4.0a 319.2b 9.0a 0.0a 1.00b 68.6a 161.1a 459.9a 261.7a
Site 3 Slope 379.4a 0.6a 9.3a 6.7a 7.5a 13.7a 4.6b 141.3a 8.5a 0.7a 0.25a 30.1a 84.6a 258.2a 73.9a
Site 3 Top 271.3a 0.5a 7.3a 4.3a 6.1a 11.6a 4.2ab 156.8a 8.3a 0.0a 0.16a 21.3a 43.5a 206.9a 40.6a
Site 4 Bottom 245.8a 0.4a 8.7b 4.4ab 8.2a 13.5ab 4.4a 90.4a 12.3b 0.0a 0.32a 30.2a 96.0a 285.6b 78.7a
Site 4 Slope 344.7a 0.5b 9.1b 4.4b 8.0a 14.9b 4.8a 101.7a 8.8a 2.7a 0.17a 16.5a 52.7a 145.3a 32.4a
Site 4 Top 372.1a 0.6c 6.6a 1.6a 6.6a 11.6a 4.5a 115.2a 9.0ab 0.0a 0.29a 26.2a 89.0a 211.4ab 60.5a
a, b, c – indicate statistically important differences between locations at p < 0.05
Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, μmol m–2 s–1); canopy cover (CC); average, spring, summer and autumn soil volumetric water contents (VWCav, VWCspr, VWCsum, VWCaut, respectively, %); soil pH in water solution (pHH2O); electrical conductivity (EC, µS); different soil horizon thicknesses (O – litter horizon and A – humus horizon, cm); and contents of total nitrogen (Ntotal, %), phosphorus (P, mg kg–1), potassium (K, mg kg–1), calcium (Ca, mg kg–1) and magnesium (Mg, mg kg–1)