Fig. 1. Plot distributions and location of Chinese fir plantations used for modelling height-diameter allometry.

Table 1. Statistics of stand-and tree-level variables used for modelling height-diameter allometry of Chinese fir in this study.
Planting Density (PD) BA (m2 ha–1) N (tree/ha) HD (m) DBH (cm) H (m)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
A (1667 trees/ha) 33.03 19.84 1588.27 193.43 14.60 6.69 15.61 7.32 12.20 6.24
B (3333 trees/ha) 36.99 20.63 3094.15 513.69 13.14 6.12 12.59 5.86 10.94 5.51
C (5000 trees/ha) 40.47 21.95 4415.94 976.48 13.61 6.45 12.04 5.87 11.22 5.74
D (6667 trees/ha) 44.58 24.36 5705.04 1412.55 12.77 6.28 11.21 5.36 10.66 5.34
E (10 000 trees/ha) 42.21 19.97 7719.66 2794.09 12.27 5.94 9.87 5.13 9.41 4.87
BA: Stand basal area, N: Number of trees per ha; HD: stand dominant height; DBH: diameter at breast height; H: Tree height. Mean and SD calculated over the 17 instances of field sampling measurements taken from 1984–2010 (with each sampling instance occurring every year from 1984 to 1990, and every other year from 1992 to 2010).
Table 2. Summary statistics of climate variables for the years 1984–2010 used for modelling height-diameter allometry. Values in parentheses are minimum and maximum values.
Climate variable Description Mean
MAT (°C) Mean annual temperature 18.96 (18.10, 19.80)
MWMT (°C) Mean warmest month temperature 28.26 (26.50, 30.30)
MCMT (°C) Mean coldest month temperature 8.34 (5.20, 10.20)
AP (mm) Annual precipitation 1795.79 (1390.00, 2416.00)
AHM Annual heat-moisture index 16.45 (11.90, 21.40)
SMMT (°C) Summer mean maximum temperature 32.10 (30.30, 33.80)
WMMT (°C) Winter mean minimum temperature 4.95 (2.50, 6.60)
SMT (°C) Spring (Mar.–May) mean temperature 18.53 (16.90, 19.60)
Table 3. Inference rules for determining if variables have an effect on tree height using the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) posterior probability.
Probability Effect of xj on tree height
Pj ≠ 0 | y) < 0.5 no effect
0.5 ≤ Pj ≠ 0 | y) < 0.75 weak effect
0.75 ≤ Pj ≠ 0 | y) < 0.95 positive effect
Pj ≠ 0 | y) ≥ 0.95 strong effect
Table 4. The top five models selected and their posterior probabilities (post prob) of tree height-diameter allometry through Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and the model selected by stepwise approach (SR). The BMA model that has same variables as the SR model is in bold.
BMA models SR Model
Models Post prob DBH, PD, HD, BA, MAT, MCMT, SMMT, WMMT
Model 1 (0.454) DBH, PD, HD, BA, MAT, MCMT, SMMT
Model 2 (0.312) DBH, PD, HD, BA, MAT, SMMT, WMMT
Model 3 (0.127) DBH, PD, HD, BA, MAT, MCMT, SMMT, WMMT
Model 4 (0.082) DBH, PD, HD, BA, MAT, MCMT, AHM, SMMT
Model 5 (0.016) DBH, PD, HD, BA, MCMT, SMMT
BA: Stand basal area, HD: stand dominant height; DBH: diameter at breast height; H: Tree height; PD: planting density; MAT: mean annual temperature; MCMT: mean coldest month temperature; SMMT: Summer mean maximum temperature; WMMT: Winter mean minimum temperature; AHM: Annual heat-moisture index.

Fig. 2. Height-diameter model space through Bayesian model averaging (BMA). Each column represents one of the candidate models. The variables in black and other colors for each column are excluded and included in a model, respectively. The different colors of each column included in a model were used to help visually contrast differences in model ranking. The width of the column is proportional to the model’s posterior probability on the axis. View larger in new window/tab.

Table 5. Evaluation statistics of model prediction determined by Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and stepwise (SR) methods for modelling height-diameter allometry.
Statistics BMA SR
R2 0.9541 0.9540
MD 0.0018 –0.0078
MAD 0.9042 0.9043
MD: mean difference; MAD: mean absolute difference.

Fig. 3. Relationship between predicted height from Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and observed height based on the validation dataset.

Table 6. The parameter estimates determined by Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and stepwise (SR) methods for modelling height-diameter allometry.
Variable SR BMA
Mean 95%CI P-value Mean 95% CI PP
Intercept 0.599 –0.177, 1.574 >0.05 2.263 2.260, 2.266 1.000
DBH 0.540 0.526, 0.664 <0.01 0.540 0.527, 0.554 1.000
PD 0.106 0.099, 0.114 <0.01 0.106 0.099, 0.113 0.999
HD 0.678 0.664, 0.695 <0.01 0.678 0.661, 0.690 0.999
BA –0.099 –0.107, –0.091 <0.01 –0.099 –0.107, –0.089 1.000
MAT 0.563 0.341, 0.784 <0.01 0.498 0.241, 0.648 0.991
MCMT –0.059 –0.099, –0.018 <0.01 –0.056 –0.123, –0.055 0.714
AHM - - >0.05 0.002 0.000, 0.032 0.098
SMMT –0.989 –1.250, –0.728 <0.01 –0.974 –1.275, –0.670 1.000
WMMT –0.037 –0.064, –0.010 <0.01 –0.024 –0.070, 0.000 0.413
BA: Stand basal area, HD: stand dominant height; DBH: diameter at breast height; PD: planting density; MAT: mean annual temperature; MCMT: mean coldest month temperature; SMMT: Summer mean maximum temperature; WMMT: Winter mean minimum temperature; AHM: Annual heat-moisture index; CI: confidence interval for SR, and credible interval for BMA. PP: Posterior probability from BMA and values in bold indicate that variables have a strong effect on tree height.
Table 7. Summary of the scale of height-diameter allometry.
Scale Study by Mcmahon and Kronauer (1976) Study by Zhang et al. (2019) This study
Stress similarity Elastic similarity Geometric similarity
0.50 0.66 1.00 Close to 0.5 0.54