Fig. 1. Actors in forest operations in the softwood lumber supply chain in the studied area (Sweden) and illustration of the study object.

Table 1. Overview of previous empirical studies that identified drivers of product development.
Author/s Industry studied Entrepreneurial innovativeness Human capital Organizational characteristics Progress in technology Competitive position and Occupy leading position Market orientation and Consumer demands Distribution channel and business image
Acur et al. (2012) NPD in different industries X X X
Boso et al. (2012) Diverse X X
Manley and Mcfallen (2006) Construction X
Pantano et al. (2014) Advanced-technology-based innovations X X X X X
Parrilli and Elola (2012) Traditional manufacturing X
Rhee et al. (2010) Technology-innovative X X
Total 3 1 3 1 2 3 1
Table 2. Criteria of research quality fulfilled in the study.
Criterion Research phase Establishment
Construct validity Data collection Use multiple sources of evidence in data collection
Have informants review the draft case-study report during data collection
External validity Research design Use replication logic in the research design
Internal validity Data analysis Complete pattern-matching
Discuss alternative explanations for relationships
Reliability Data collection Use case-study protocols for data collection
Table 3. Connection between themes of the case-study protocols and interview questions in the study.
Theme of case-study protocol Question in the interview guide (see Appendices 1–4)
Previous developments and identification of their drivers Please describe the development of harvesters in the past 10 years, including developments that you have prioritized in that time.
Who or what drove those developments?
Predicted future developments and identification of their drivers What do you think the development of harvesters will focus on in the next 10 years?
Who or what will drive those developments?
Table 4. Drivers of product development of harvesters identified by interviewees in the study, arranged by case.
Driver Case 1:
Study object
Case 2:
Study object
Case 3:
Study object
Case 4:
Study object
Expert and research organizations X X 2
Competitors X 1
Forest companies X 1
Forest owners X 1
Harvester manufacturers X 1
Logging contractors X X X X 4
Legislators X X X X 4
Table 5. Drivers of product development of harvesters identified by interviewees from the perspective of each actor.
Driver Harvester Manufacturer Harvester Dealer Logging Contractor
Expert and research organization X X
Competitors X
Forest companies X
Forest owners X
Harvester manufacturers X X
Logging contractors X X X
Legislators X
Total 7 3 1