Fig. 1. Hiko v93 cultivation trays were the starting point for all systems. The Hiko supply system uses cultivation trays also as the seedling packaging (A). ManBox is today’s standard seedling supply system (B). The ManBox_fast system is conceptual and uses similar cardboard boxes as ManBox, but the novelty of ManBox_fast is that the seedlings are placed singly within the cells of two collapsible, compressible paper grid spacers (C). In the MechBox_49 (D) and MechBox_121 (E) systems, seedlings are packed into square cardboard boxes while standing upright within individual cells created by a carton grid spacer. The difference between the two MechBox systems is the grid spacers resulting in two different cell densities. ManBox_fast and both MechBox systems require a tree planting device equipped with a high-capacity seedling carousel (F) matching the geometry of the seedling packaging’s grid spacers.

Table 1. Overview of the five seedling (Picea abies) packaging systems that were compared in the cost analysis from southern Sweden.
Packaging system Intended use Developmental stage Seedling position / description Number of seedlings per handling unit (pl) End point
Hiko (plastic cultivation trays) Manual planting Operational use in southern Sweden since the 1970s Standing upright within individual tray cells/cavities 40 Reuse by nursery
ManBox (simple divisible cardboard box) Manual planting Operational use in southern Sweden since 2010 Lying down, stems intertwined, in one large open space 165 Recycling
ManBox_fast (same box as in ManBox but with a collapsible, compressible paper grid spacer within the box) Mechanized planting Conceptual Lying down, stems intertwined, but seedlings mounted in individual pockets of paper strips 149 Recycling
MechBox_49 (cardboard box with removable 7×7 carton grid spacer) Mechanized planting Existing prototype Standing upright within individual cells created by the grid spacer 49 Recycling
MechBox_121 (cardboard box with removable 11×11 carton grid spacer) Mechanized planting Conceptual Standing upright within individual cells created by the grid spacer 121 Recycling
Seedlings are abbreviated pl.
Table 2. Cost factors for the five seedling (Picea abies) supply systems’ packaging materials. The total material cost is that of the basic scenario.
Intended use Cost factor Hiko ManBox ManBox_fast MechBox_49 MechBox_121
Handling unit Capacity (pl) 40 165 149 49 121
Dimensions (cm) 22×35×40 60×40×28 60×40×28 40×40×45 40×40×45
Mass when loaded with seedlings (kg) 3 11 10.5 4 9.5
Shipping unit Capacity (pl) 40 2640 2384 1176 2904
Dimensions (cm) 22×35×40 80×120×130 80×120×130 80×120×194 80×120×194
Mass when loaded with seedlings (kg) 3 200 192 120 252
Total material cost
(Euro (1000 pl)–1)
15.58 10.00 31.20 59.80 24.20
Seedlings are abbreviated pl.
Table 3. Tariff (linear cost function; the total transport cost CTotalTrans = fixed cost + variable cost × invoiced distance in km) in the basic scenario for the primary transport of one week’s demand of seedlings from the nursery to the contractor’s depot (100 km one-way) for the five seedling (Picea abies) supply systems. The tariff gives the total transport cost (CTotalTrans) per 1000 seedlings including loading and unloading of seedlings in handling units of: i) cultivation trays for Hiko; and ii) stacked cardboard boxes shrink-wrapped together on Euro-pallets for the four cardboard box systems.
Packaging system Weekly consumption of seedlings (pl week–1) Fixed cost
(Euro (1000 pl)–1)
Variable cost
(Euro (1000 pl)–1 km–1)
Invoiced distance
Hiko 7000 15.48 0.255 200
ManBox 6735 3.86 0.520 100
ManBox_fast 7780 3.67 0.449 100
MechBox_49 7485 4.82 1.408 100
MechBox_121 7870 3.31 0.622 100
Seedlings are abbreviated pl.
Table 4. Outplanting cost (COutplant) factors in the cost analysis of seedling supply systems from southern Sweden. The values are those of the basic scenario.
Packaging system Handling units handled per shift Time consumption for reloading seedlings
(s pl–1)
Planting machine productivity
(pl h–1)
Production per shift
(pl shift–1)
Planting machine
hourly cost
(Euro h–1)
Additional investments required by the contractor
Hiko 35 2.6 200 1400 85.0 -
ManBox 9 3.3 192 1347 85.0 -
ManBox_fast 11 0.8 222 1556 86.9 Conceptual 296 seedling carousel
MechBox_49 31 1.45 214 1497 87.4 Existing 196 seedling carousel + modified seedling storage box
MechBox_121 14 0.6 225 1574 87.4 Conceptual 484 seedling carousel + modified seedling storage box
Seedlings (Picea abies) are abbreviated pl.
Table 5. The extent of the sensitivity analysis of the five seedling (Picea abies) packaging systems in southern Sweden. The last two columns show the change in cost variables from the basic scenario.
Variable Basic scenario Sensitivity analysis
Minimum Maximum
Primary transport distance (distance between nursery and depot) 100 km 0 km 400 km
Mean planting time excluding seedling (Picea abies) handling 15.4 s pl–1 –40% +40%
Yearly demand for mechanically planted seedlings 500 000 pl year–1* –0% +1000%
Planting machine’s hourly cost 85.0–87.4 Euro** –8% +70%
Planting device reload time 0.6–3.3 s pl–1** –50% +30%
Number of seedlings per box of ManBox_fast 149 pl –45% +10%
Planting device’s carousel capacity (for Hiko and ManBox only) 70 pl 70 pl 484 pl
Interest rate, for contractor and nursery respectively 6 and 10% 3% 12%
Seedlings are abbreviated pl.
*See Table 3.
**See Table 4.
Table 6. Aggregated costs per activity in the basic scenario for the five seedling (Picea abies) packaging systems in southern Sweden. Costs are given as Euro per thousand planted seedlings (Euro (1000 pl)–1) excluding the seedling purchase price.
Packaging system
Activity (cost variable) Hiko ManBox ManBox_fast MechBox_49 MechBox_121
Packing at the nursery (CPack) 15.6 55.0 89.7 151.3 113.5
Freezer storage (CFreezer) - 17.0 18.8 61.3 24.8
Primary seedling transport (Total transport; CTotalTrans)* 66.5 55.0 48.0 142.9 64.6
Watering (CWater) 6.2 - - - -
Loading secondary transport vehicle (CV.Load) 6.8 3.4 3.5 8.1 4.1
Loading planting machine (CPM.Load) 7.7 4.2 4.3 8.7 4.8
Outplanting seedlings (COutplant)** 425.0 441.9 391.0 408.7 388.8
Returning cultivation trays (CReturns) 7.8 - - - -
Recycling cardboard boxes (CRecycling) - 8.4 8.3 17.4 9.5
Total (i.e. aggregated) cost (CTotal) 535.5 584.9 563.6 798.4 610.1
Seedlings are abbreviated pl.
* Including loading at the nursery and unloading at the depot.
** Including reloading planting device.

Fig. 2. The effect on the total cost of the studied seedling (Picea abies) packaging systems per thousand seedlings (pl) when varying the distance between nursery and depot (A), the mean planting time excluding seedling handling (B), the yearly demand for mechanically planted seedlings (C), the planting machine’s hourly cost (D), the relative planting device reload time (E); the number of seedlings per box of ManBox_fast (F), the planting device’s carousel capacity (for Hiko and ManBox only (G), the interest rate (H), and the primary transport distance during a best case scenario from ManBox_fast’s point-of-view (I). The triangles on the x-axes denote the default values used in the basic scenario.