Fig. 1. Location of the study stands in the reindeer herding area in northern Finland.


Fig. 2. Experiment set-up showing five circular (487 m2) sample plots on both sides of the fence in systematic grid. In each sample plot there are five smaller (10 m2) circular plots, and within each of these a 0.5 × 0.5 m square plot.

Table 1. Description of the sample plots. The column N denotes the number and proportion (in parenthesis, %) of the sample plots where a variable has other values than 0. The values of the stand level variables have been calculated using the stand level data (same values for all the sample plots).
Variable/category N (%) Min Max Mean Sd Median
Sample plot level variables
Lichen cover, % 482 (100) 0.1 93.0 25.7 24.2 17.7
Estimated dry biomass of lichens, kg ha–1 482 (100) 0.0 9043.0 1459.5 1975.1 481.6
Cover of harvesting residue, % 330 (68) 2.5 30.0 5.4 5.4 2.5
Basal area of Scots pine, m2 ha–1 440 (91) 1.0 29.0 10.6 5.6 11.0
Basal area of Norway spruce, m2 ha–1 32 (7) 1.0 6.0 2.3 1.6 2.0
Basal area of deciduous trees, m2 ha–1 63 (13) 1.0 11.0 2.4 2.0 2.0
Basal area, total, m2 ha–1 447 (93) 1.0 29.0 10.9 5.5 11.0
Diameter1.3 of Scots pine, cm 440 (91) 8.1 51.5 20.5 7.2 19.8
Diameter1.3 of Norway spruce, cm 32 (7) 10.0 24.0 17.7 4.8 16.9
Diameter1.3 of deciduous trees, cm 63 (13) 7.8 38.1 17.7 6.5 16.4
Height of Scots pine, cm 400 (91) 4.4 21.1 12.5 3.1 12.7
Height of Norway spruce, m 32 (6.6) 6.5 17.1 10.3 2.3 10.4
Height of deciduous trees, m 63 (13) 4.9 16.2 9.6 2.8 9.0
Age of Scots pine, years 440 (91) 19.0 310.0 96.3 69.3 72.3
Age of Norway spruce, years 32 (7) 35.0 230.0 100.8 61.7 75.0
Number of Scots pine stems ha–1 440 (91) 5.0 2210.0 464.7 417.4 347.5
Number of Norway spruce stems ha–1 32 (7) 17.5 442.1 114.5 97.1 85.2
Number of deciduous stems ha–1 63 (13) 14.4 808.4 153.1 170.9 72.2
Total number of stems ha–1 447 (93) 5.1 2210.5 487.1 412.0 370.0
Number of Scots pine seedlings ha–1 431 (89) 40.0 9800.0 726.2 1045.9 400.0
Number of Norway spruce seedlings ha–1 76 (16) 40.0 1280.0 156.8 257.1 40.0
Number of deciduous seedlings ha–1 145 (30) 40.0 4280.0 387.6 518.6 200.0
Total number of seedlings ha–1 461 (95) 40.0 9840.0 826.7 1053.8 480.0
Predicted proportion of canopy cover (0–1) 483 (100) 0.1 0.98 0.5 0.2 0.6
Number of reindeer summer pellets ha–1 52 (11) 1.0 5.0 1.8 1.1 1.0
Number of reindeer winter pellets ha–1 200 (41) 1.0 38.0 8.1 0.6 5.0
Stand level variables
Altitude, m.a.s.l 49 (100) 114.9 321.4 215.1 56.9 225.0
Average temperature sum during 1961–1990, d.d. 49 (100) 650.5 924.0 732.7 62.2 708.0
Time since fencing, years 49 (100) 10.0 90.0 42.9 3.4 40.0
Table 2. The parameter estimates, their standard errors, t-values and Wald chi-square tests for the terms in the lichen cover model. P-values (p) are calculated for the variables in the model based on Wald’s chi-square statistics. Reference category and the tests against the reference categories are printed in italics. Stand development classification, see Section 2.1 Data collection.
Variable/effect Estimate Standard error t-/chi-value p
Fixed effects
Intercept –1.480 0.281 –5.27/28.76 0.000
Grazing (grazed, ungrazed) - - 271.34 0.000
– ungrazed 2.156 0.133 16.20 0.000
Stand development class (1,2,3,4) - - 2.20 0.533
– 2 0.020 0.384 –0.05 0.958
– 3 –0.755 0.614 –1.23 0.220
– 4 –0.460 0.455 –1.01 0.312
Canopy cover –1.015 0.512 –1.98/4.06 0.044
Site type (barren heath, xeric, sub-xeric) - - 114.99 0.000
– xeric –0.595 0.089 –6.66 0.000
– sub-xeric –1.557 0.149 –10.49 0.000
Soil type (moraine, sorted) - - 8.51 0.004
– sorted 0.584 0.203 2.87 0.004
Cover of harvesting residue –0.030 0.010 –2.87/8.55 0.003
Grazing * Stand development class - - 36.26 0.000
– ungrazed and 2 0.221 0.221 1.00 0.318
– ungrazed and 3 0.136 0.251 0.54 0.590
– ungrazed and 4 –0.747 0.171 –4.38 0.000
Stand development class * Canopy cover - - 17.56 0.000
– 2 and canopy cover –1.096 0.698 –1.57 0.117
– 3 and canopy cover 0.230 1.025 0.22 0.884
– 4 and canopy cover 2.115 0.760 2.78 0.006
Random effects
Stand (intercept) 0.477      
Residual 0.056      
Table 3. Lichen cover model: pairwise tests and tests for the trends differing from 0 by the categories (interactions). Stand development classification, see Section 2.1 Data collection.
Variable/categories p Variable/categories p
Site type   Ungrazed, 1 vs. 2 0.450
Barren heath vs. Xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 1 vs. 3 0.370
Barren heath vs. Sub-xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 1 vs. 4 1.000
Xeric vs. Sub-xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 2 vs. 3 0.999
    Ungrazed, 2 vs. 4 0.777
Grazing * Stand development class   Ungrazed, 3 vs. 4 0.463
Grazed, 1 vs. 2 0.260    
Grazed, 1 vs. 3 0.374 Stand development class * Canopy cover  
Grazed, 1 vs. 4 0.119 1 * Canopy cover 0.044
Grazed, 2 vs. 3 1.000 2 * Canopy cover 0.000
Grazed, 2 vs. 4 0.000 3 * Canopy cover 0.371
Grazed, 3 vs. 4 0.000 4 * Canopy cover 0.048

Fig. 3. Effect of grazing and stand development class (a), and canopy cover and stand development class (b) on lichen cover. Values represent predicted mean effects and 95% confidence limits.

Table 4. The parameter estimates, their standard errors, t-values and Wald chi-square tests for the terms in the lichen biomass model. P-values (p) are calculated for the variables in the model based on Wald’s chi-square statistics. Reference category and the tests against the reference categories are printed in italics. Stand development classification, see Section 2.1 Data collection.
Variable/effect Estimate Standard error t-/chi-value p
Fixed effects
Intercept 8.138 1.190 6.84/46.74 0.000
Grazing (grazed, ungrazed) - - 621.12 0.000
– ungrazed 2.988 0.120 24.92 0.000
Stand development class (1,2,3,4) - - 4.19 0.242
– 2 0.531 0.342 1.55 0.122
– 3 –0.401 0.499 –0.80 0.422
– 4 0.119 0.427 0.28 0.781
Canopy cover –0.473 0.489 –0.97/0.94 0.333
Temperature sum –0.004 0.002 –2.53 /6.37 0.012
Site type (barren heath, xeric, sub-xeric) - - 74.17 0.000
– xeric –0.423 0.084 –5.06 0.000
– sub-xeric –1.060 0.123 –8.60 0.000
Soil type (moraine, sorted) - - 7.22 0.007
– sorted 0.524 0.195 2.69 0.007
Grazing * Stand development class - - 65.03 0.000
– ungrazed and 2 –0.053 0.169 –0.31 0.754
– ungrazed and 3 0.047 0.186 0.25 0.800
– ungrazed and 4 –1.004 0.155 –6.46 0.000
Stand development class * Canopy cover - - 15.37 0.002
– 2 and canopy cover –1.163 0.631 –1.84 0.066
– 3 and canopy cover 0.355 0.834 0.43 0.670
– 4 and canopy cover 1.544 0.712 2.17 0.031
Random effects
Stand (intercept) 0.45      
Residual 1.84      
Table 5. Lichen biomass model: pairwise tests and tests for the trends differing from 0 by the categories (interactions). Stand development classification, see Section 2.1 Data collection.
Variable/categories p Variable/categories p
Site type   Ungrazed, 1 vs. 2 0.991
Barren heath vs. Xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 1 vs. 3 0.994
Barren heath vs. Sub-xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 1 vs. 4 1.000
Xeric vs. Sub-xeric 0.000 Ungrazed, 2 vs. 3 1.000
    Ungrazed, 2 vs. 4 1.000
Grazing * Stand development class   Ungrazed, 3 vs. 4 0.999
Grazed, 1 vs. 2 1.000    
Grazed, 1 vs. 3 0.988 Stand development class * Canopy cover  
Grazed, 1 vs. 4 0.001 1 * Canopy cover 0.333
Grazed, 2 vs. 3 0.999 2 * Canopy cover 0.000
Grazed, 2 vs. 4 0.000 3 * Canopy cover 0.862
Grazed, 3 vs. 4 0.000 4 * Canopy cover 0.039

Fig. 4. Effect of grazing and stand development class (a), and canopy cover and stand development class (b) on the estimated dry biomass of lichens. Values represent predicted mean effects and 95% confidence limits.


Fig. 5. Fit of the lichen cover and lichen biomass models. ‘Conditional’ denotes the estimates calculated using both fixed and random part of the model (random intercept). ‘Unconditional’ denotes the estimates calculated by using only the fixed coefficients.

Table 6. Estimated lichen covers and dry biomasses according to some recent studies.
Study Cover, % Biomass, dw kg ha–1
Grazed Ungrazed Grazed Ungrazed
This study 6.8 35.8 130 1929
Mattila 2004 3.8 7.1 64 425
Väre et al. 1996     860 7900
Susiluoto et al. 2008     500 3550
Olofsson et al. 2010 a)     253 642
Köster et al. 2013     900 3500
a) Heavily grazed 131 kg ha–1