Fig. 1. A flowchart of the systems analysis model framework applied for CTL-harvesting. The parameters subject to particular focus (i.e., the key variables) are presented in italics.

Table 1. Worktime distributions and working hours of a harvester and a forwarder for a calendar year on a current level (base scenario) for Central Finland province. The shares in percents for each element is calculated against the worktime (i.e., workplace time).
  Harvester Forwarder
Repairs and maintenance, % 11.0 7.0
Delays due to the operator and planning, % 4.0 4.0
Machine relocations (incl. waiting for relocations), % 3.0 3.1
Preparatory (non-productive) work, % 2.5 0.9
Machine utilization (MUE0) for the productive machine time (E0), % 79.5 85.0
Delays of less than 15 mins, % 6.0 4.0
Machine utilization (MUE15) for the productive machine time* (E15), % 85.5 89.0
Worktime (i.e., workplace time), h 2881 2734
Productive machine time, h15 2462 2435
Productive machine time, h0 2289 2326
* Including delays, which duration is less than 15 minutes
Table 2. Harvester productivity models of Eriksson & Lindroos (2014) used in the systems analysis model of CTL harvesting. Models are for Ln(y), where y = productivity in m3 PMh–1. (RMSE2)/2 is required to add to the model when estimating y.
 Variable Parameter estimates
Final cutting Thinning &
Intercept 3.135 3.592
Ln(Mean stem size) 0.378 0.693
Ln(Total harvested volume) 0.066 0.037
Ln(Harvested volume per ha) 0.056 0.039
(Ln(Mean stem size))2 –0.072 -
(RMSE2)/2 0.0365 0.0313
Table 3. Forwarder productivity models of Eriksson & Lindroos (2014) used in the SA-model of CTL harvesting. Models are for Ln(y), where y = productivity in m3 PMh–1. (RMSE2)/2 is required to add to the model when estimating y. MFD = Mean forwarding distance.
Variable Parameter estimates
Final cutting Thinning &
Intercept 0.641 2.318
(Ln(MFD))2 –0.056 –0.028
Ln(Mean stem size) 0.176 0.259
Ln(MFD × Load capacity) 0.435 0.149
Ln(Total harvested volume) 0.058 0.046
Ln(Harvested volume per ha) 0.094 0.074
Ln(Terrain roughness × Slope) –0.074 –0.050
(RMSE2)/2 0.0392 0.0365
Table 4. Main costing parameters and values for the harvester and forwarder in the systems analysis model of CTL-harvesting.
Harvester Forwarder
Investment costs and capital factors
   Base machine (excluding equipment), € 421 000 336 000
      Soft soil gear, € 52 000 52 000
      Harvester head, € 60 000  
      Other equipment, € 9000 14 000
   Working capital, € 30 000 20 000
   Life span (base machine; fixed), years 5 7
   Life span (equipment; varying), hours 7000 7000
   Annual depreciation, % 15 15
Labour costs    
   Wage cost for base shift, €/h 17.0 15.3
   Wage cost for weekend/extended shift, €/h 25.5 22.9
   Indirect wage cost, % 53.25 53.25
   Kilometre allowance for machine operators, €/km 0.53 0.53
   Daily allowance for machine operators, €/day on average 6 6
Operational factors and costs    
   Fuel, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 16.0–1.29 13.0–1.29
   Engine oil, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.1–2.50 0.1–2.50
   Ad-blue, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.7–1.29 0.6–1.29
   Gear oil, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.1–3.06 0.1–3.06
   Hydraulic oil, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.2–3.06 0.2–3.06
   Chainsaw oil, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.57–1.77 -
   Colour mark, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.3–1.77 -
   Rot-stop fluid, l/h (consumption) - €/l (price) 0.56–1.77 -
   Chainsaw, pc./h (consumption) - €/kpl (price) 0.06–16.94 -
   Sawbar, pc./h (consumption) - €/kpl (price) 0.020–52.42 -
   Machine relocation, €/km 2.35 2.35
Fixed costs    
   Interest rate, % 4 4
   Insurances, €/year, a 2600 1800
   Real estate expenses, €/a 4000 4000
   Administration and maintenance, €/a 4000 4000
   Supervision of work and site visits, €/a 6000 3500
   Operating margin, % 5 5
Table 5. Proportionate changes (%) in the four key variables in the three impact scenarios of EU’s forest-related policy changes on the operating environment of harvesting entrepreneurs (Low-, Moderate- and High-impact). Proportions are expressed as relative to the status quo, %. Negative values indicate a decrease and positive values an increase relative to the current level. For the share of CCF, the percentages illustrate the level, not a proportionate change.
Key variable Low Moderate High
Size of an average harvesting site1) –10% –20% –30%
share of CCF-cutting2) 10% 20% 30%
number of working weeks3) –7% –15% –21%
total preparatory work for a harvesting site4) +50% +100 % +150%
1) expressed in cutting volume, m3,
the share of CCF is currently ca. 2% of total cutting removals (the increase from the 2% level to 10% corresponds to a 400%, from 2% to 20% a 900% and from 2% to 30% a 1400% proportionate increase). The change in this variable will have an additional effect on the removal of harvesting site,
3) current level is 43 weeks, and 7% decrease corresponds to 40, 15% decrease to 37 and 21% decrease to 34 weeks,
preparatory work consists of e.g., administrative actions and checking environmental issues on site (note that current level of preparatory work represents 1.0% of the total working time of the harvester and 0.2% of the forwarder).
Table 6. Regional differences in harvesting conditions, Regions 1, 2 and 3.
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
Share of total accumulation by harvesting types1), %; 70-28-2 63-36-2 65-33-2
Average stem size, dm3 168 198 242
Average removal, m3 ha–1 104 109 108
Average forwarding distance in RF, m 287 265 297
Average forwarding distance in thinning and CCF-cutting, m 321 286 364
Average stand size, m3 484 628 580
Average harvesting site removal, m3 411 534 493
1) RF – thinning - CCF. For instance, in Region 1, 70% of total accumulated removal was from final cuttings, 28% from thinnings and 2% from CCF-cuttings.
Table 7. Alternative parameter values associated with the key variables in the sensitivity analysis of the systems analysis model of CTL-harvesting.
Key variable Current variable value Alternative variable values
Size of the average harvesting site1) 411–534 m3 –10%, –20%, –30% and –40%
share of CCF2) 2% 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 60%
harvesting intensity in CCF3) 50% 30%, 40%, 60% and 70%
number of working weeks 43 weeks 31, 34, 37 and 40 weeks
Increase in preparatory work for a harvesting site4)5) 1% for a harvester 0.2% for a forwarder +50%, +100% and +150%
1) average harvesting site removal relative to present level; note that the absolute harvesting site varies between the three regions and that size represents an average working site including one relocation of logging machines,
2) proportion of total cutting volume (m3), %,
3) harvesting intensity expressed as number of removed stems per hectare compared to removed stems in final cutting in RF, %,
4) expressed in proportionate increase relative to current parameter value, %.
In each SA-model run, 0.6 h and 0.25 h per each harvested worksite was added to the preparatory work presented above for the harvester and forwarder, respectively.
Table 8. Annual performance indicator values of the two-machine system (TMS) derived from the systems analysis model of CTL-harvesting for all scenarios (Current state, Low-, Moderate- and High-impact). Presented values are averages of the scenario analysis from the three regions.
Annual performance indicators Current state Low Moderate High
Production, m3 40 448 39 342 37 506 34 525
Productive machine hours, E15*
   - harvester 2446 2410 2332 2180
   - forwarder 2483 2460 2396 2255
Machine utilization (MUE15), %
   - harvester 84.9 83.6 82.2 80.5
   - forwarder 88.6 87.9 87.0 85.9
Average productivity, m3/hE15–2*
   - harvester 16.5 16.3 16.1 15.8
   - forwarder 16.3 16.0 15.6 15.3
Total harvesting area, ha 377 385 389 378
Average removal of a logging site, m3 479 407 337 276
Number of logging sites 85 98 113 127
* E15-time corresponds productive machine time (PMh-time) including delays, which duration is less than 15 minutes.

Fig. 2. Harvesting costs according to alternative scenarios and current level of legislation in three different regions of Finland: Region 1 (consisting of the provinces of Ostrobothnia, South and Central Ostrobothnia), Region 2 (Central Finland province) and Region 3 (provinces of South Savo, South Karelia and Kymenlaakso), € m–3. Percentages above the bars illustrate proportionate changes to current level. View larger in new window/tab.


Fig. 3. Results of the sensitivity analysis of the systems analysis model of CTL-harvesting in Region 1, 2 and 3. The floating bars represent the variation according to the alternative variable values presented in Table 7. Red dotted lines illustrate harvesting cost associated with the current level of the key variables in each Region. HS stands for Harvesting site, Share for share of CCF, Intensity for intensity of CCF, Weeks for Working weeks, Prep for Preparatory work and Current for current level. [*Decrease in harvesting site, %, and ** increase in preparatory work – see Table 7 for details]. View larger in new window/tab.