Table 1. Definition of moisture content classes (M_CL).
Moisture content class
Moisture content %
M_CL 2 ≤ 29.9
M_CL 3 30.0 – 39.9
M_CL 4 40.0 – 49.9
M_CL 5 ≥ 50

Fig. 1. The difference in moisture content (DIFF_M) pp between the capacitance meter and the reference measurement per moisture content class (M_CL). The markers show the least square mean and bars the 95% confidence interval.

Table 2. Parameter estimates for the selected polynomial regression model with backward selection, stopped where the local minimum of the Mallows C(p) criterion was 4.02684.
Parameter DF Estimate t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 264.090497 2.30 0.0226
CAP_M 1 –44.201559 –2.27 0.0244
CAP_M2 1 3.015468 2.37 0.0187
CAP_M3 1 –0.095332 –2.38 0.0184
CAP_M4 1 0.001435 2.35 0.0200
CAP_M5 1 –0.000008309 –2.30 0.0230

Fig. 2. Estimated mean moisture content with 95% confidence intervals for the 5 piles according to the oven drying method (REF_M), the capacitance meter (CAP_M) and the calibrated capacitance meter (CalF_M). N = 30 for each pile.

Table 3. Least square mean and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the difference in moisture content (DIFF_M) between the capacitance meter and the reference method, when the calibration function (CalF) was used (Yes) or not (No).
CalF DIFF_M LSMean 95% CI
No –5.449333 –6.225522 –4.673144
Yes 1.832742 1.056553 2.608931
Table 4. Effects of pile (Pile) and calibration function (CalF) and the interaction (Pile × CalF) on the difference in moisture content between the capacitance meter and the reference method, from the general linear model analysis.
Source DF Type III SS F Value Pr > F
Pile 4 2284.109857 24.48 <0.0001
CalF 1 3977.146342 170.48 <0.0001
Pile × CalF 4 28.267717 0.30 0.8759
Table 5. Least square means (LSMean) of difference in moisture content (DIFF_M) and grouping from Tukey pairwise test of means, were LSMeans with the same grouping letter are not significantly different.
1 2.139 a
2 –5.405 b
3 –0.674 c
4 –4.444 b
5 –0.656 c
Table 6. Necessary sample size (n) to estimate the population mean moisture content in each pile, by: REF_M and calibrated capacitance meter (CalF_M) within a 95% confides interval (CI) of ±2.5 and ±5.0 percentage points (pp).
  CI ± 2.5 pp CI ± 5.0 pp
1 13 13 4 4
2 34 13 9 4
3 7 10 2 3
4 5 8 2 2
5 2 11 1 3