Notes on the forests of North-Eastern China and their utilization.
Luukkanen O. (1980). Notes on the forests of North-Eastern China and their utilization. Silva Fennica vol. 14 no. 4 article id 5087.
The paper consists of a report of a study tour made by Finnish forestry students, under the leadership of the author, to Harbin, Changchun, Peking, Nanking and Shanghai in December 1977. In addition, some earlier literature sources concerning forestry in China are briefly reviewed. The paper presents the general geographic characteristics of north-eastern China, as well as the vegetation zones and timber species of this region. Silvicultural methods and the main features of forest technology and forest industry are also discussed. The last chapters describe the forestry administration and current trends in forestry education and research in north-eastern China as observed during the tour.
The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.
forest industry;
forest products industry;
forest research;
Published in 1980
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