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Seppo Kellomäki (email), Markku Kanninen

Eco-physiological studies on young Scots pine stands. IV.

Kellomäki S., Kanninen M. (1980). Eco-physiological studies on young Scots pine stands. IV. Silva Fennica vol. 14 no. 4 article id 5092. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15033


Crown and stem growth of young Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied in relation to photosynthate supply and light condition in a stand. The magnitude of needle and bud formation, and radial and height growth were to a great extent dependent on the photosynthate supply. However, in shaded conditions the growth of each characteristics was greater than expected on the basis of photosynthate supply. In the stem system this was especially apparent for height growth. Consequently, height growth was favoured at the expense of radial growth in shaded conditions. It also appeared that the basic density of wood was negatively related to both tree position and photosynthate supply.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

Pinus sylvestris; Scots pine; height growth; radial growth; basic density; crown; photosynthate supply; light conditions

Published in 1980

Views 3362

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15033 | Download PDF

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