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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 59 no. 1 | 1950

Category : Article

article id 7405, category Article
Viljo Holopainen. (1950). Eräiden Suomen kaupunkien halkojen hankinta-alueet : markkinatieteellinen tutkimus. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 59 no. 1 article id 7405.
English title: The firewood supply areas of four Finnish towns.
Original keywords: polttopuu; Turku; polttopuun kysyntä; vesikuljetus; polttopuun kuljetus; rautatiekuljetus; Helsinki; Tampere; Vaasa
English keywords: firewood; supply; transportation; demand; water transportation; rail transport; shipping
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

In the present investigation, the problems connected to demand of firewood are dealt with by studying the fuel markets of the three biggest towns in Finland – Helsinki, Turku and Tampere as well as those of Vaasa. The purpose of the investigation was to study the firewood supply areas in two time periods, in 1933-1939 and in 1945-1947, after the Second World War.

Railway and shipping were the most important ways for transporting firewood in 1933-1939. Towards the end of the period, road transport increased especially in Turku and in Vaasa. In 1945-47 almost 90% of the firewood transported to Helsinki, 60% to Tampere and Turku, and over 50% of the firewood transpors to Vaasa were carried by rail. One factor supporting rail transport was that the tariff policy of the State Railways gave preference to firewood transports.

The supply areas increased markedly from 1933-1939 to 1945-1947. Supply of firewood near the towns in the southern, southwestern and western parts of the country was small. Also, pulp industry began to use small-sized timber in 1930s, which increased competition of the wood. Coal and coke began to replace firewood in the 30s, but their use decreased during and after the war due to supply shortage.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Holopainen, E-mail: vh@mm.unknown (email)

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