This study’s aim was to calculate the weathering rates of Ca and Mg for five boreal forest soils in southern Finland on granitic and gabbro containing bedrock. The effect of mineralogy on the total concentrations of Ca and Mg in soil and weathering rates was evaluated. The aim was also to estimate the effect of mechanical soil disturbance related to ploughing on the weathering in the gabbro area. The total concentrations of SiO2, CaO, MgO, and Zr were determined by XRF, and weathering rates of Ca and Mg were determined based on the changes in the CaO, MgO, and Zr concentrations. The weathering rates of Ca+Mg varied 5–38 mmolc m–2 year–1 in the E+B/BC horizons among the plots. Soil disturbance related to ploughing increased the weathering of Ca and Mg largely in the disturbed part of the topmost mineral soil as indicated by the decreasing concentrations of Ca and Mg after mechanical soil disturbance. The weathering input of Ca in the undisturbed soil did not fully replace the Ca output in final whole-tree cutting. The weathering input of Mg in the undisturbed soil was sufficient to replace the lost Mg in stemwood harvesting but not on all the plots the lost Mg in whole-tree harvesting. Weathering rates were higher in the gabbro than the granitic areas.
The paper deals with production of above-ground biomass of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands in the Czech Republic. One-year biomass dynamics was studied within chronosequence of birch stands at the age of 4–5, 8–9, 17–18 and 22–23 years. With the exception of the youngest stand, which was established by seeding, all experimental birch stands were regenerated naturally after the allochthonous spruce stands. Above-ground biomass (AB) was calculated from plot inventory data and biomass equations were parameterized from destructive sampling of biomass component of sampled trees. Results reveal that the peak of the mean annual increment (MAIABtotal) of birch stands can be expected at the age from 15 to 20 years. Additionally, the stand age, the value of basal area (BA) should be considered as a predictor of stand productivity. If the value of BA varied from 25 to 35 m2 ha–1, the MAI of the birch stands reached the range from 5.0 to 6.5 t of dry biomass per ha y–1 at the age ranging between 15 and 25 years. The stem/branch proportion increased with stand age, the stem relative proportion ranging from 75 to 90% of total above-ground biomass. According to the results of this study, birch stand biomass production and utilization is one of the approaches in terms of forest recovery management in large disturbed areas. Although, no silvicultural treatments were occurred in all analysed stands, the pre-commercial thinning method could increase stand productivity and stability as well.